July 2023 Highlights: Empowering Users with Enrolment, Efficient Maintenance & Effective Search

As we continue our efforts to improve your experience with Pegasus Edge, we're excited to bring you a suite of new updates for July 2023. Spanning several modules, from system improvements to more streamlined account management, these enhancements are designed to make your workflow smoother and more efficient. Let's delve into the specifics.

User Enrolment Improved with New Profile Status Field

Reflecting on your valuable feedback, we've enhanced the User Enrolment screen by introducing a new 'Profile Status' field. This field highlights the profile status linked to the User ID, ensuring smooth login into Pegasus. Please note that an active user Profile and corresponding User Enrolment record are needed for this process. The profile status options include:

  • Blank: The user profile exists and is enabled.

  • System: This is a special user enrolment for system functions.

  • Disabled: The user profile is disabled.

  • Deleted: The user profile no longer exists.

We've included user Title and Location columns in the user list for further convenience.

Direct Access to Cost Centre Group Code Maintenance

Our goal is to make your daily tasks easier and quicker; this latest update is designed to do just that. In our Production module, you can directly access Cost Centre Group Code Maintenance from the Cost Centre Group field when adding or editing a Cost Centre.

This new feature means you no longer must navigate away from your current task to access another module. Everything you need is right there, allowing you to complete your work in fewer steps.

Minimising screen switching enhances accuracy and productivity, making Pegasus Edge more efficient. Our goal is to save you time and effort through streamlined experiences.

Enhanced Supplier Invoices & Invoice Authorisation

We aim to provide you with better visibility and control over your transactions. Therefore, we have introduced a new feature for those using Invoice Authorisation. The 'Sent To Date' is added beside the 'Sent To' column in the Supplier Invoices and Invoice Authorisation screens.

This new column provides instant insight into the timing of your transactions, enabling you to manage your invoices and authorisations more effectively. The 'Sent To Date' addition lets you instantly see when each invoice was sent for approval, eliminating the need to search through individual invoice records.

This update is designed to make your accounts payable process more transparent, manageable, and efficient, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks. It's one way we enhance how you interact with Pegasus Edge, driving increased productivity in your daily operations.

See Pegasus Edge in action by booking your demo.

Streamlined Client/Product Maintenance

As on the Client Maintenance screen, you can now access Client Group Code Maintenance directly from the Client Group field when adding or editing a Product, making for a smoother maintenance process.

Improved Search Function in G/L Account

With an understanding of the significance of time in your workflow, we've enhanced the search function in the Body Code section of the G/L Account. Instead of only scanning for a match at the beginning of the description, our evolved process will search for a data match throughout the entire report.

GL Account search Function - Pegasus Edge

This update significantly boosts search accuracy and efficiency, allowing you to locate relevant G/L accounts faster and more efficiently. This enhancement saves you time on data entry and facilitates better financial management tasks. Our mission is to streamline your interaction with Pegasus Edge, empowering you to operate with excellent proficiency and productivity.

Feel free to contact our support team for any inquiries.


September 2023 Software Enhancements: Empowering Agency Management with Pegasus Edge 


Pegasus Edge May & June 2023: Boost Productivity and Updated Job Cost Overrun Report